Facilities Management at UBC’s Okanagan campus envisions and supports a campus community that is attractive and sustainable.
Through industrial partnerships, vision and environmentally sound practices, Facilities Management commits to providing progressive excellence in customer service, community engagement and environmental stewardship.
Mission Statement
Facilities Management's mission is to provide a campus facility that will create and sustain an environment that will attract, keep and safely support the best and brightest students, faculty and staff.
We will work in ways that value their ideas, show trust and challenge them to excel. We will continually strive to improve our services, customer satisfaction and campus well being within the boundaries of our resources.
Home: Where to find us
Where to find us
The Facilities Management office is at 1060 Diversity Place. This area houses the offices of the Associate Director, the Managers and Administration staff.
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.